The web console is available to all inSSIDer Technician users. Administrators will have administrative access that regular technician users will not. From the web console, admins can manage technician user accounts and company threshold configurations. Technician users can update their profile information and view a dashboard of their historical report data.
For All Users
Access the Web Console
To access the web console, you will need your company’s unique URL that was provided during implementation. Contact MetaGeek Support if you need assistance recovering your URL.
First Time Login
If this is your first time using the inSSIDer Technician web console, check your email inbox for an invitation link that will direct you to the password set screen.
- Locate the inSSIDer Technician Invitation email sent from
- Click on the Set Password button
- This will direct you to your web console and prompt you to set a password
- Enter your desired password
- Click Set Password
Return Login
- Navigate to your company’s unique inSSIDer Technician URL
- Enter your user credentials
- Click Login
If you do not remember your password, click the Forgot Password link to recover your password.
For Technician Users
Dashboard for Technicians
When logged in as a technician user, technicians can view the historical report data which they have personally submitted. They do not have access to view other user's data. Report details can be exported to a CSV file which will provide all report data that was submitted, including all of the scan data collected per report.
For Administrator Users
Dashboard for Admins
When logged in as an administrator user, admins can view the historical report data submitted by all users. Report details can be exported to a CSV file which will provide all report data that was submitted, including all of the scan data collected per report.
Manage Technicians
To manage technician user accounts, log into your web console.
Create New Technician
- Click Add User on the left rail
- Enter the required fields, which are: First Name, Last Name, and Email
- Enter a Technician ID (this is an optional field)
- Click Add
Once the technician is added, they will receive an inSSIDer Technician Invitation in their email inbox with a link to complete their account.
Invitations can be re-sent by selecting Re-Invite User from the ellipsis option on the technician list.
Deactivate Technician
Deactivating a technician prevents them from logging into the inSSIDer Technician application and from sending report data.
- Click Users on the left rail
- Locate the technician you want to deactivate
- Click the ellipsis on the right side of the technician’s row
- Click Edit User
- Uncheck the Is Active checkbox
- Click Update
If the user needs to regain access, follow the same steps above and check the Is Active checkbox to reactivate the account.
Promote A User To An Admin
When creating a new user, if they will be an admin, check the Is Admin option. This will give the user admin rights to the web console.
To promote an existing user to an admin:
- Click Users on the left rail
- Locate the user you want to promote to an admin
- Click the ellipsis on the right side of the user’s row
- Click Edit User
- Check the Is Admin checkbox
- Click Update
On the user table, admins will have an information icon at the far right of their row, which indicates that they are an admin user.
Demote A User From Being An Admin
Demoting a user from admin to regular technician user status follows the same steps above but uncheck the Is Admin checkbox to remove admin rights for the user.
Manage Company Configurations
inSSIDer Technician allows customers the ability to configure measurement thresholds for their company. These settings can be configured by account administrators in their company’s web console.
Log into the web console and click Configurations on the left rail to access the configurations section.
Though configurations can be altered by an admin at any time, the new settings will only be updated on the technician devices when they log out and then log back in. It is recommended that the settings are configured prior to technician usage to avoid technicians working off of incorrect configurations. If configurations are updated while technicians are actively using inSSIDer Technician, inform them to log out and log back in to refresh the configurations.
Speed Test Servers
If you have a list of specific speed test servers that should be used for throughput testing, add them to this section. If no speed test servers are added, then inSSIDer Technician will fall back to a master list of speed test servers when conducting throughput tests. Also, if all configured speed test servers are unavailable when a technician conducts a throughput test, then inSSIDer Technician will fall back to the master list.
To manage speed test servers:
- Click Edit
- Enter the URL for the speed test server
- Click the + button to add a new speed test server
- Click the X button to remove a speed test server
- Click Save to confirm list
When technicians run a throughput test, inSSIDer Technician will ping the list of servers and will conduct the speed test on the server with the lowest latency.
Signal Strength
The default minimum signal strength is set to -65 dBm. This can be edited to reflect the standard signal strength threshold for your organization.
For helpful information for understanding signal strength, check out the Understanding WiFi Signal Strength article.
Throughput Thresholds
Throughput thresholds can be configured to reflect organization standards. Download and Upload values reflect the minimum values in Mbps or Kbps that is required whereas Latency reflects the maximum amount of allowable latency.
Recommended Usage
Recommended internet usage thresholds can be configured for email, web, music, video, and chat. Recommended usage is based off of a combination of download, upload, and latency criteria for each usage type.
Issues and Recommendations
The Issues and Recommendations that are flagged and displayed within the mobile application can be enabled or disabled (enabled by default). The text displayed for the issue and recommendation can also be modified to follow your company standards for resolving issues. Tags can be used within the recommendation text block only and will update within the app to display the corresponding data. Such as, using {channel} within the non-standard channel issue recommendation will update to the channel the radio is on during a network scan conducted from the mobile application.
Recommended Channels
UNII ranges in the 5 GHz band can be enabled or disabled for use with recommended channels in inSSIDer Technician. If you do not recommended DFS channels as a part of your company policies or because of regulatory policies, you can disable those channels from being recommended so that that inSSIDer Technician is in aligned with your policies. At least one range for 5 GHz needs to be enabled.
Manage API Tokens
Admins have access to only the API tokens that they have created and cannot see tokens created by other admins.
Create An API Token
- Click API Tokens on the left rail
- Click Generate New Token
- Enter a descriptive name for the token
- Click Generate
Once you generate a new token, you will see the token appear at the top of the page. This will be the only time the full token will be presented. Please be sure to keep this for your records. The name you associated to the token and the first four characters will be visible on the API Token table for future reference.
Remove An API Token
- Click API Tokens on the left rail
- Locate the API token you wish to remove
- Click the ellipsis on the right side of the token's row
- Click Delete Token
Please be aware that any API calls using the deleted token will no longer work.
Retrieve Data Using The API
Once an API is created, refer to the example API URL at the bottom of the API Tokens page. To make an API call, replace [your API token] with your API token. The from and to dates, which are both inclusive, within the URL string can be modified to retrieve data that falls within a desired time span.