The Waiting for WiFi Data message is shown when inSSIDer does not find any WiFi networks while scanning. If the message doesn't go away after a few seconds, there are a few things that you can try to get networks to show up.
Resolve Waiting for WiFi Data Issues (macOS 10.14 and above)
macOS 10.14+ requires Location Services to be enabled in order to scan for WiFi networks. If you are seeing the Waiting for WiFi Data message you will need to enable Location Services for inSSIDer to work properly:
- Make sure that WiFi is enabled
- Open System Preferences
- Press Security & Privacy
- Click on thePrivacy tab
- Click on the lock in the bottom left corner of the window to be able to make changes
- Select Location Services
- Check the box to Enable Location Services
- Scroll to the inSSIDer app and check the box to enable location services for inSSIDer
Resolve Waiting for WiFi Data Issues (macOS 10.13)
- Close inSSIDer, and open it up again.
- Close inSSIDer, disable WiFi, enable WiFi, and launch inSSIDer again.
- Reboot the machine.
If none of those steps resolve the problem, open a support ticket with us. Let us know:
- Which OS you are using
- What steps you've tried
- How often the problem occurs