Chanalyzer recording files can be split up in Sessions. Whenever Wi-Spy is changed to a new mode by switching bands, using frequency zoom, or starting Device Finder mode, a new session is created.
Hide or Show the Session Manager
Hide or show the session manager in View > Session Manager.
The session manager can also be shown and hidden by clicking on the thin grey bar along it's edge.
Splitting a Session
The current session can be split, which ends the current session and starts a new, identical session. Split the session with Wi-Spy > Clone Live Sessions.
The Navigation Waterfall shows all of the spectrum analysis data for the entire session. The more time that is added to the Navigation Waterfall, the less granular the visualization and navigation become. Sessions of 8 hours or less are recommended to retain recording readability and ease of navigation.
Automatically Splitting a Session
If you need to leave Chanalyzer running for a long period of time, but don't want sessions to become long and difficult to read, Chanalyzer can automatically split sessions for you every 2 hours. Enable it with Wi-Spy > Auto Split Sessions (2 hours).
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