As some seasoned WiFi veterans have pointed out, the Wi-Spy Air looks pretty similar to Oscium’s WiPry spectrum analyzer. In late 2018, MetaGeek and Oscium announced that we were joining forces to bring about the next generation of Wi-Spy to market. This collaboration has led to the Wi-Spy Air. Oscium is also separately releasing the WiPry 2500x, which is an update to their current WiPry product line that allows for compatibility with newer iOS devices.
Aesthetically, the Wi-Spy Air and the WiPry 2500x look very similar as they are using the same casing with different logos. However, there are some important differences to note between the Wi-Spy Air and the WiPry 2500x.
- The WiPry 2500x does not work with MetaGeek software, including Air Viewer
- Wi-Spy Air does not work with Oscium software
- The WiPry 2500x does not capture WiFi packet data and only has enabled the spectrum analyzer and simple SSID capture, which is inline with previous iterations of WiPry