In This Release
- This one caught us by surprise: 160 MHz networks! Despite years of hiding, they have started to appear! After all of this time, it turns out that we weren’t decoding them properly; inSSIDer 5 wasn’t displaying the correct channel width or data rates, and it wasn’t drawing proper 160 MHz “network ziggurats” (that’s what we call them). Everything should be fixed now. Special thanks to Jim Palmer and Ian Stout for getting us PCAPs with 160 MHz beacons, and to Adrian Granados at Intuitibits for giving advice on the proper decode!
- There was an extremely strange bug where certain VPN’s would cause inSSIDer 5 to crash. Fixed!
- Before this update, we included the latest OUI File (which matches MAC addresses to vendor names) with each release, but that relied on us doing regular releases to keep updated. Now, you can update the OUI file at any time from within inSSIDer 5.
- We are retiring the name “Rampart”, which was the previous name of some of our cloud services. As part of that, we changed the “View on Rampart” button to “View on Cloud” (which sounds a bit less medieval).
- Previously, if an AP switched channels, you would see the network move in the Channels Graph, but the channel number would not change anywhere else. That’s fixed now - if an AP moves, everything updates as it should.
- Users with a Signifi Business subscription couldn’t log into inSSIDer 5. Haha, whoops. Yeah, uh… that’s fixed now!
- Some of our Eye P.A. users reported issues with the Linksys WUSB6300. It seems that Linksys did a hardware revision, so Eye P.A. couldn’t see the adapter when it was connected. We updated our packet capture drivers to support the new revision over on the Eye P.A. side of things, so we decided to do the same for inSSIDer 5. All Linksys WUSB6300 adapters should now work with inSSIDer 5 (even brand new ones).
- In a previous release of inSSIDer 5, we added experimental WLAN Pi packet capture support. It was a great experiment, and proved the concept. Ultimately, we’ve found that the inSSIDer 5 user base and the WLAN Pi user base don’t have a lot of overlap, so the experimental feature didn’t get used very much. Additionally, WLAN Pi development outpaced us a bit, so the feature hasn't worked in inSSIDer 5 for awhile. That said, we are planning to add WLAN Pi packet capture support to other MetaGeek products in the near future. If you were using the WLAN Pi to do PCAPs with inSSIDer 5, and we missed you, definetely let us know at support@metageek.net.