Building Custom Reports
Report Builder provides you with a great way to identify and explain RF interference and congestion issues to your end users. Create a new report or continue an existing report from the Report Builder menu. There are shortcuts to add individual blocks, or you can add all blocks with just one click.
The Report Builder will open in a separate window, similar to below:
Every block includes a default paragraph that explains what each graphic or table is displaying. You can edit this text by clicking the pencil icon at the top of the block. Feel free to edit the descriptions to be more personal, and in turn make them the new defaults if you like. To reorder the blocks, simply drag and drop them into the order you'd like them to appear. The report preview will update as you edit blocks.
You can save your report as a .wsxr file that can be edited later. When you've got the report blocks how you want them, your report can be exported to .rtf, .html, or .pdf file formats.
Best Practices
Create A Baseline
In order to prove that you've identified a client's interference-causing device, it's useful to create a "Before" section in your report to document the state of the wireless environment. Start by adding a block or two to document the normal Wi-Fi usage during a time when no interference was present. You can then use this as a baseline to compare against any interference events you decide to document while analyzing your recording. It is useful to apply filters to show only your BSSID, and include an image of the Density view with Network Overlays along with the Networks Table. The Channels Table is a good addition as well. Adding a text description that calls out the grade of your client's networks.
Identify Interference for Your End User
Using the Waterfall Navigation, select the point in time where interference was at its highest amplitude (this will be the area with the most red). It is important to shrink the timespan in the Waterfall Navigation to cover the exact start and stop times of an interference event. This ensures the measurements reflected in the graphs and tables accurately portray the impact on your client's networks. If the interference you're documenting is intermittent, include a snapshot of the Waterfall View that shows the event happening at multiple times during your recording.
Another good addition to your report could be a cell phone picture of the device that caused the interference so your client knows what the source was.
To close your report out, include a custom text block to add your expert opinion and analysis.